Selecting the Right Drug Rehab Center

Undergoing drug rehabilitation is the best decision a drug addict who wants full recovery can make. Keep in mind, however, that since not all treatments centers are the same, it is important to choose the one that can meet your specific needs. Before choosing a treatment center, there are a variety of questions that you should ask to determine if you are making the right decision.
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Is Undergoing Inpatient Alcohol Rehab a Good Decision?

The first step to overcoming drug addiction is admitting that you have a drug addiction. That may, however, be the easiest step in the process. Once you quit, you can experience a variety of symptoms such as feeling irritated, sweating or an inability to sleep at night, which makes the whole recovery process rather daunting. In some cases, symptoms can be even more severe and include hallucination and a desire to hurt yourself and others.
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Are You an Addict?

The term addict is tossed around so casually, it’s hard to tell whether one is or not. The common image of an addict as a homeless indigent shooting heroin on the streets is outdated. In many areas, over half the annual deaths due to drug overdoses are caused by prescription medications such as Vicodin and Oxycontin. Substance abusers also often include successful business people and media personalities.
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Recovering from Alcoholism through Rehab

Alcoholism is a serious problem that affects many people, and it can wreak havoc on your life in a number of ways. It can impact your ability to work and to advance in your career. It can also have a negative impact on your ability to have healthy, happy relationships. In many cases, alcoholism also has a negative effect on your health, leading to problems like premature aging and even death in some cases.
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The Dangers of an Untreated Painkiller Addiction

Countless people rely on painkillers to manage their chronic pain, but this style of medication does come with some serious risks. This includes the possibility of developing a serious and potentially fatal addiction. Here is a look at just a few of the long-term side effects of an untreated painkiller addiction.
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The Benefits of Gender-Specific Rehab

In many cases, a man who enters rehab will go through treatment in a program with and tailored for men. A woman who enters rehab will go through a treatment program with and tailored for women. Why are genders kept separate while they attempt to get sober? One reason is that men and women have different reasons for using, different reactions to using and different experiences while in drug rehab.
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